Product Overview
Software for Hydrographic Data Collection, Processing and Final Products
HYPACK® MAX is our standard package. It has everything you need to design your survey, collect your single beam data, process it and generate final products, such as contours, plotting sheets, output for CAD, fly-through views, cross sections and volumes calculations. The sidescan sonar, subbottom, adcp and magnetometer collection and processing modules are standard features of HYPACK® MAX. You’ll need to add a HYSWEEP® license to include the modules for multibeam data collection and processing.
Product Features
- Design: contains powerful tools that let you quickly design your survey
- Editing: provides graphical editing and sounding selection routines that allow you to quickly prepare your survey data for plotting
- Sounding reduction
- Volumes calculations
- Side scan support
- Plotting
HYPACK® contains powerful tools that let you quickly design your survey:
- Set your geodetic parameters
- Import background charts
- DXF, DGN, S-57, TIF, MrSid, ARCS
- Configure your survey equipment
- Equipment type
- Connection information
- Offset information
- Create your planned lines
- Manual entry
- Parallel & Perpendicular patterns
- CHANNEL DESIGN automatically creates planned lines and cross sectional profiles for channels and turning basins.
- ADVANCED CHANNEL DESIGN creates complex 3D surfaces for precise dredging and volume computations.
HYPACK® provides graphical editing and sounding selection routines that allow you to quickly prepare your survey data for plotting, export to CAD or several other final products. The SINGLE BEAM EDITOR of HYPACK® provides for:
- Graphical review and editing of tracklines and depth profiles
- Display of acoustic profile for network capable soundings
- Display of design templates and previous survey profiles
- Water level (tides) adjustments
- Real time telemetry gauges
- Manually entered tides
- RTK Tides
- Tide Adjustments between stations
Sounding Reduction:
There are several options for sounding reduction, depending on your final product:
- SORT selects the shoalest soundings and prevents overwrites.
- CROSS SORT selects random soundings and packs them in tight.
- SOUNDING SELECTION selects min/max soundings and fills in between.
- MAPPER is a binning routine that can select minimum, maximum, average, or sounding closest to cell center to represent each cell.
Volumes Calculations
The HYPACK® ability to compute volume quantities is unsurpassed. It can compute volume quantities either from sections across channels or from surface models (TIN MODEL).
The CROSS SECTIONS AND VOLUMES program quickly computes volume quantities for cross sectional profile lines compared to the channel design template and channel overdepth template for each line. The program is the de facto standard for volume computations by several national survey agencies. Over 20 methods are available to compute the area and volume of material for each profile segment (left slope, main channel, right slope), it can compute quantities for a single survey versus the design template, or for a pre-dredge versus an after-dredge comparison. CROSS SECTION AND VOLUMES can read hundreds of sections, compute the volumes and send all of the sections to the printer/plotter in a matter of seconds. Additionally, the beach volumes supports beach replenishment projects.
The TIN MODEL program of HYPACK® can be used to compute several types of volume quantities. Input data can be from single beam, multibeam or multiple transducer surveys.
- Reservoir volumes: Computes the volume and surface area of a reservoir at user-defined water levels.
- Channel volumes: Computes the volume quantities of the TIN surface versus a set of planned lines and their channel design templates.
- ADVANCED CHANNEL DESIGN volumes: Computes volume quantities of the TIN surface versus a complex area created in
- Survey versus Survey volumes: Computes the volume quantity between two different surveys of an area.
Side Scan Support
HYPACK® is the only hydrographic software package that offers side scan collection, mosaicking and targeting as a standard part of your package. The SIDE SCAN SURVEY program supports analog and digital side scan sonars, including some of the latest dual frequency and high resolution devices.
The HYPACK® side scan processing routines accept input from side scan or from the pseudo-side scan available from many multibeam systems. It can also read XTF files from several side scan manufacturers' own logging software.
Targeting can be performed in real time, or in post-processing in the SIDE SCAN MOSAIC program. Target measurement tools can be used to capture a GeoTIF image of each target, make measurements of its length, width and height, and save it to a Target Book. The Target Book is in Rich Text Format and can be e-mailed and reviewed by clients or home offices in Microsoft Word®.
In HYPACK® Version 2008, the GEOCODER™ program was integrated as a standard side scan processing tool. GEOCODER™ was developed by Dr. Luciano Fonseca of UNH-CCOM and provides advanced mosaicking and bottom classification routines.
HYPLOT, the HYPACK® plotting program, allows you to send any combination of data files to your plotter or printer or to a PDF file. All of the background files that can be displayed in HYPACK® can also be printed/plotted in HYPLOT. This allows you to create stunning plots with your background files, such as ortho-photos (TIF), engineering plans (DXF/DGN), and electronic charts (ENCs, ARCS) superimposed with your hydrographic survey data.
HYPLOT has several border and title block options, including the national borders used by USACE, China and Russia. You can plot X-Y grids (or tics), local projection lat-long grids (or tics) and WGS-84 lat-long grids.
Another big feature of HYPLOT is the ability to send the plots out to a DXF file. This allows you to transfer the entire plotting sheet (with borders and labels!) into your CAD/GIS package.