Product Overview
Designed for Ranger 2, Gyro USBL is an all-in-one instrument that combines our 6th generation (6G) High Precision Acoustic Positioning (HPT) acoustic transceiver and Lodestar Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) in the same unit. This combination eliminates alignment errors seen in conventional USBL systems that are dependent upon a vessel’s own attitude and heading sensors.
Our latest generation design is supplied in-water pre-calibrated meaning that you can get to work as soon as it’s fitted, saving you valuable vessel time. Gyro USBL has always been available in two different array designs, optimised for deep water and long layback operations. Now additionally, you can choose between standard and ‘plus’ AHRS performance grades. Depending on the array type and AHRS grade, Gyro USBL can offer precision of better than 0.1% of slant range out of the box.
Gyro USBL has always been a popular choice for installations on vessels-of-opportunity using through-hull or over-the-side deployment arrangements, or even the tip of pipelay vessel stingers, where Ranger 2 is being used to track the vessel’s own ROV as it conducts touchdown monitoring – often at extreme lay backs.
Now that Gyro USBL is significantly smaller and lighter than its predecessor, smaller vessels, including unmanned surface vessel (USVs), can now gain the best performance possible from their Ranger 2 system. The new design is also still be manufactured in corrosion-resistance aluminium-bronze, so ideally suited to use in any waters.
Key Features
- All-in-one instrument; combined 6G acoustic transceiver and AHRS
- Choose between standard or ‘plus’ variants to suit your project’s specifications
- Optimises the performance of Ranger 2; eliminates lever arm offsets, pole bending and ship flexing errors
- Up to 20% shorter and 19 kg lighter than previous version; perfect for over-the-side poles, stingers and confined spaces
- Calibrated in-water before delivery; install it and go to work