Product Overview
With decades of experience in both ADCPs (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers) and specifically phased array (flat-faced) transducer technology, Teledyne RDI remains the preeminent supplier of ADCP instrumentation for open ocean applications.
The world’s most prestigious research institutions, militaries, government agencies and private companies utilize the vessel-mounted Ocean Surveyor family of ADCPs which can collect detailed maps of the distribution of water currents and suspended materials through the water column at depths 1000m and beyond. These depth and resolution capabilities were previously considered unattainable, and TRDI remains the only ADCP manufacturer backed by published research and applications at these depths and resolutions.
Beyond high-quality data and performance, OceanSurveyor is indispensable in practical, operational decision-making where safe and efficient field operations rely on the right environmental data.
Key Features
- The deepest current profiling available to assist in production and rig safety
- Two forms of signal processing: patented BroadBand for high precision; standard NarrowBand for extended range
- Field-proven technology that operates in the high-noise environment of oil platform production
- A track record second to none; the Ocean Observer has been adopted by all the major oil companies on every type of platform
- Patented phased-array transducer, for extended range in a powerful yet compact package.