Product Overview

3DSS-iDX incorporates a patented signal processing methodology that extends the single angle-of-arrival principle used in interferometric systems to accommodate multiple simultaneous backscatter arrivals (e.g. the seabed, sea surface, water-column, and multipath). The result is superior wide swath bathymetry and true 3D sidescan imaging and from a compact, easy-to-use sonar.

The iDX-450 integrates SVT and MRU sensors into the sonar head for turnkey operation. A Universal Sonar Interface Unit provides ultra-portable, easy operation with just a laptop and a battery or easy interface to external MRU, GNSS and INS systems on a fully equipped survey launch or ASV.

Key Features:

  • Fully integrated AML MicroX Sound Velocity Sensor
  • Fully integrated SBG Ellipse2-E with GNSS Aiding -or-
  • Fully integrated SBG Navsight Ekinox with Septentrio GNSS Aiding
  • Fully Integrated or external GNSS
  • Proven Bathymetry Accuracy and Repeatability (IHO Exclusive Order).
  • High Resolution True 3D Imagery.
  • Real-time 3D point cloud display and target capture software.
  • Simultaneous 3D Side-scan, 2D Side-scan, and Bathymetry data outputs.
  • Wide swath coverage, up to 14 times water depth.
  • Patented processing techniques as well as beamforming eliminates multipath and surface reflection interference.
  • Support for 3rd party hydrographic survey hardware and software.
  • Compact, Low Power, easy-to-use. Suitable for ASV and AUV applications.
PingDSP 3DSS-iDX-450 3D SSS/Bathymetry